Ceyplast Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş.

PE NAYLON, PP JELATİN, RECYLED POŞET, Düz naylon, Baskılı naylon, Düz bantlı naylon,

KARGO POJET, TAKVİYELİ POŞET, Baskılı bantlı naylon, Askı delikli naylon, Askılı bantlı naylon, Kilitli- Sürgülü


Product Categories


Composed of polypropylene, it contains a low density polyethylene (LDPE and high polyethylene). It has a harder and smaller target than nylon. It is not very suitable for cold weather use. Since it is in a brighter industry than nylon, the textile industry is much more preferred. Desire micron and size. It is known  as the transform name.

* Plain gelatin
*Flat band gelatin
*Headed gelatin
* Headed banded gelatin
* Hanging band gelatin